From The Belles Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry by the Limbourg Brothers, Paul, Jean and Herman. 1402-1408
The Annunciation of the Shepherds from the Huntington Manuscript HM1173, a Book of Hours made about 1460-1465

Annunciation to the Shepherds Northern France or Flanders, c.1445
Annunciation by the Bedford Master France, Paris, c. 1430-35

Annunciation to the Shepherds by Master of the Geneva Latini France, Rouen, c.1470
Horenbout: Annunciation of the Shepherds, Hours of the Virgin, Fol.91r British Museum

Annunciation To the Shepherds Paul de Limbourg of Limbourg BrothersAround 1411-16Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry MS 65 in Musee Conde at Chantilly
Annunciation of the Shepherds LF 18. Painted during the 15th century campaign of illumination by Belbello da Pavia

Albrecht Durer 1515, The Book of Hours of the Emperor Maximilian the First
Robinet Testard Allegory of Music Les Echecs amoureux