Bagpipe Paintings page 2

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Coronation of the Virgin with Adoring Saints 1370-1 attributed to Jacopo Di Cione

I don't know what to tell you... I found this medieval painting on the web one day and when I went back to find information on it, the page was gone!

I do not know much about this one except that it appears a bit more medieval than most of these selections. This is called De Musica from S. Boethius XIII's.

Angel Musician, In the chapel of St. Antonin du cloitre des Jacobins de Toulouse (c. 1340)

Finally! After all these months a bigger version of Le Joueur de Cornemuse by Thomas Couture, 1877. It does get bigger (for those of you who remember, even the thumbnail image wasn't this big)!

This one used to reside in the "Etchings" page until I came across the color version on eBay. Wedding in the Middle Ages from the original painting by A. Moreau.

Musical Angels c. 1475-97 by Francesco Botticini

Vanitas Still-Life with Musical Instruments Cornelis de Heem done after 1661. The detail on the engraved head of the Chanter stock is pretty amazing.

The bagpiper definitely is not the focus of this one, but the mere fact that he bothered to stick one in there is amazing.

I found this great picture online. This is part of a book called the Book of Hours.

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