For the longest while we hadn't done anything up here. The house had 3 bedrooms upstairs,
all broken into apartments. Having no luck with tenants and needing another bedroom we
took over the bedroom at the front of the house. In 2011 we had a tenant move
out of the big apartment so we moved "Old Moe" (a tenant who sort of came with the house;
lived in the little one room apartment since 1978) over to the big side and took over his
old room. We finished that room in November of 2011 and completed work on the bathroom the next year.
Sadly, Moe passed away on New Year's Eve just a couple of years later. He was sort of the adopted grandfather of our kids and is still missed to this day. There are still parts of the house that we refer to as "Moe's This" or "Moe's That". It actually took us the better part of a year before we even started working on his apartment to turn into our bedroom. We like to think he would have been proud of the work we've done.
Click on the floor plan below, move your mouse over the room you want
to see, click and you will be transported to either a work in progress or a
complete room. Enjoy the trip!
