Our house as it appears on a 1911 postcard when it was the home of Mr. B. B. Perkins and his wife, Marion Bruce...
 ...and as it appeared in the 1930s when it was the home of John and Ruth Cushing and their 3 children...
 ...and as it appeared in the 1960s when it was the home of John and Fanny Willson and their children...
 This is how the house looked when we bought it... except for the front door which was painted white. This was Mrs. Menard's "contribution" to the house.
 In 2020 we started stripping off the aluminum siding. Here is that progression.
 The shingles were so bad on the right side of the porch that I ended up replacing them all and rebuilding the corner. We stripped the aluminum and painted the porch before tackling what was above the porch roof.
 Getting all the way up into the peak of the gable was a little nerve-wracking. Just don't look down! It was so cool to uncover the house back to its 1960s facade.
 The workers putting up the aluminum siding took chisels to the original drip edges on the windows. It's a hell of a job rebuilding those as it often involves removing shingles or window frames or both. You can see in this photo that I replaced all the shingles over the flashing on the porch roof.
 Nothing like painting in the full-on sun of summer. This is best left to the professionals.
 The next stage of this required a ladder on the roof and a rappelling rope emerging from the attic.
 It's slow having to paint from a ladder, especially one that is tied in requiring a re-tie every move (St. Albans has incredibly strong wind).
 At this point the staging was still up and I was working on the other corner bracket which wasn't quite as heavily weathered and damaged as the front was.
 Aside from a little paint in the front triangle, this is finished! I had the eyebrow window completely remade by Ben Weed from Enosburg Falls. We'll give it a few more touches over the years, we can't ever be totally finished...