Personal | Pedigree | |
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Manuel Sainz was born 26 MAY 1896 in Herrera, Santander, Spain. He died 14 AUG 1936 in Barre, Vt. He was the son of Ceferino Sainz and Celedonia Slala. His siblings were Marimo Sainz, Tiofila Sainz, Cerafim Sainz, Brijida Sainz, Maria Sainz.
Manuel Sainz's wife was Florinda Perez (1901-1974). They were married 11 SEP 1923 in Barre, VT. They had four known children named Manuel Sainz (1924-2009), Ceferina Sainz, Phillip Sainz, and Rudolph Sainz.
Manuel came over from Spain in 1915 aboard "La Touraine" sailing out ofBordeaux on July 10, 1915. He entered Ellis Island with $31.
He cut granite in the Barre area for over 20 years. In that time heworked for the World Granite Company, the Royal Granite Company andthe Sierra Granite Company. The last 3 years of his life he spent sickfrom Granite Cutter's Tuberculosis, otherwise known as Silicosis, anaffliction affecting the lungs due to the constant inhalation of granite dustcontaining silica particles. My grandfather described his dad cominghome from work completely covered head to toe in granite dust so thatonly his eyes could be made out. The granite sheds in Santander werecompletely in the open so Silicosis was not a big problem there, howeverin Barre the weather was much more... weathersome and granite shedsneeded to be completely enclosed. In the 30's and 40's blowers werebrought in and cutters were made to wear masks. The WashingtonCounty Sanitorium, where he died, is now a Washington County ChildServices building.