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Pierre Andre Renaud dit Locat was born ABT 1640 in Leucate, Languedoc, France. He died 25 JAN 1713 in Grondines, Quebec. He was the son of Jean Renaud dit Locat and Marie Laurence.
Pierre Andre Renaud dit Locat's wife was Francoise Desportes. They were married. They had one known child named Marie Renaud dit Locat (1678-?).
soldier in the Carignan-Salières regiment
Leucate is a Mediterranean sea port about halfway between Narbonneand Perpignan. All sources say he was born there, and that is the sourceof his dit name.
FRancogene site insists he was born at Boujan-sur-Libron (Hérault :340037), in Herault.
Boujan-sur-Libron is near the coast of Languedoc, about the samedistance northeast of Narbonne that Leucate is south of Narbonne. Thetwo towns are a good 50 miles apart.
Arrived in 1665 Aug 17 memories SGCF XIII #1 soldier Carignan-Salieresregiment.
From Daughters of the King web site:
Renoud, Pierre-André (Locatte), (7)
Company Grandfontaine-7
Which would be
L'Aigle d'Or
300 tons or 400 tons
Captain Sieur de Villepars
Left La Rochelle 13 May
Arrived 18 August Quebec
Notes Ancient & decrepit ship of the King - Left 19 Sept
Companies: Grandfontaine, La Fredière, La Motte, Salières
From Pierre Renaud, e-mail (information on this line is also from him)
Pierre-André Renaud took the name Locat by distortion (badpronunciation) of the name of the locality he was originated, Leucate, aMediterranean sea port about halfway between Narbonne andPerpignan.The form of the name: Renaud _dit_ Locat is equivalent toRenaud _said_ (AKA) Locat.The name Leucate varied from Leaucat(1709) to Laucatte (1753) and Locquat as used in Pierre-André'smarriage contract (1669). Leucate became Locat, then Locas, thenLacas. I have seen Laucas too (au = o in French). Pierre-André was asoldier and it was general practice among soldiers to take a nickname,sometimes their place of origin, a geographic feature, atrade.Pierre-André was a soldier in the Carignan-Salières regiment,Granfontaine company. This regiment was sent from France in 1665specially to tame the Iroquois Indians who were raiding the Frenchcolony in the St-Laurent valley. After a succesfull campaign thesoldiers and officers were offered land if they wished to stay in thecolony. This was to increase the occupation of the territory quite a bitand provide military protection through the militia.Usually theofficers were granted a large piece of land (seigneury or fief) that theycould divide into lots of 20 X 3 to 30 by 4 arpents (about 45 to 90acres) or more depending on the localization, quality of soil, etc. Manysoldiers followed their officers in the venture and established on thoselots.
Their son Pierre was traveling for fur trade (voyageur) and married in1739 in Michilimakinac, now in Michigan, and lived in Illinois where hehad is family and married again in 1773.
The notes Pierre sent me had a third son Pierre, with an oddparenthetical name.
Renaud dit locas (renoche), pierre
b 1699-12-2
bapt 1699-12-20 Grondines then a different spouse. I suppose he musthave married twice.Most of other descendants established inMontreal area and a few migrated to the USA.That is the storyabout Pierre-André Renaud dit Locat.