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Andre Jarret dit Beauregard was born ABT 1644 in Dauphine, France. He died 1692 in Varennes, Quebec, Canada. He was the son of Jean Jarret (c1600-?) and Perrette Selmet (c1615-1675).
Andre Jarret dit Beauregard's wife was Marguerite Anthiaume (c1659-1699). They were married 12 JAN 1676 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They had one known child named Marie-Anne Jarret dit Beauregard (1681-1746).
Carignan Soldier
The record of the death and burial of André has not been found; howeverfrom the records found, it appears that André was massacred by theIroquois Indians. We know from the records that André was dead whenhis son Vincent was born.
From an inventory of André's goods taken by Bénigne Basset on 12 April1692, we are told that Marguerite Anthiaume was the guardian of fiveminor children: “Anne 10 years old, François 6 years old, Louis, 4 yearsold, Joseph, 2 Years old, and Vincent 3 months old”. Thus we know thatAndré died sometime before12 April 1692.
"The Sieur de Verchères was formerly an Ensign in the CarignanRegiment. Two years ago, one of his son-in-laws was killed by theIroquois and this year, he lost another who was taken with one of hisbrothers and his son. ...”
The Iroquois killed Jean Duhouet, Marie-Jeanne de Verchères’first husband, in December 1687. Antoine du Verger d'Aubusson,Marie-Jeanne's second husband, was killed by the Iroquois on 7 May1691. These were probably the two son-in-laws that Frontenac referredto in his letter. As mentioned above, François-Michel, François' son, wasalso killed by the Iroquois at the Rivière des Prairies on 7 May 1691.André Jarret Sieur de Beauregard was the only one of François' brothersto come to Canada. Could this statement in Frontenac’s letter be inreference to André's death at the hands of the Iroquois? One of François’brothers would be André and “his son” would refer François-Michel deVerchères, his half-brother's son. This would be consistent with Vincent'sbirth in January 1692.
After André was killed by the Indians his widow, Marguerite,married Pierre Fontaine dit Bienvenue. The wedding was in Verchères on13 April 1692. This was the day after Bénigne Basset had taken theinventory of André’s belongings to settle his estate. Marguerite and PierreFontaine had three children: Marie-Thérèse, Marguerite, and Gabriel. It isinteresting to note here that Arthur Beauregard, my father, married MarieReine Fontaine on 24 Sept. 1924. Her father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all named Pierre Fontaine. According to my motherand her siblings, they were all "Bienvenues".
Marguerite Anthiaume died on Isle Sainte Marie (Verchères) in 4October 1699 at the age of 40. Her son, Gabriel Fontaine dit Bienvenue,was born on 24 September and was baptized on 5 October, the dayafter his mother died. So Marguerite probably died from complicationsafter childbirth. Anne-Marie, the oldest living daughter, was 17 at thattime. Louis, Joseph, and Vincent, André and Marguerite's three youngestchildren, were, respectively, about 13, 9, and 7 years old when theirmother died. After Marguerite Anthiaume‘s death, Pierre Fontainemarried Marguerite Gentes and had eleven more children.
Lieutenant de la cie Contrecoeur
(CT 12 Basset) avec Marguerite Anthiaume
Probablement parent de François marié à Marie Perrault
Arrivé le 17-8-1665, lieutenant de la compagnie de Contrecoeur aurégiment de Carignan
Confirmé le 15-6-1681 Verchères
Concession des trois Iles Beauregard le 17-8-1674 près de Verchères
sieur de Beauregard, baptisé 1642-08-09 Vignieu (Saint-Babil) (Isère :380546), France, décédé entre 1691-03 et 1691-09-22, Infos deGinette Arpin, participante de NosOrigines