Personal | Pedigree | |
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Marie Deshayes was born 1649 in Rouen, Normandie, France. She died 18 DEC 1707 in Montreal, Quebec.
Marie Deshayes's husband was Adrien Betourne dit LaViolette (1635-1722). They were married 1668/69. They had one known child named Marie-Anne Betourne (1684-1725/26).
Marguerite Deshayes, is a Fille du Roi listed among those women ofunknown origin. We note Marguerite Deshaies was married about 1670 inSorel to Pierre Menard while her sister, Marie Deshaies, was marriedabout 1668 in Sorel to Adrien Betourn dit Laviolette.
"King's Daughters and Founding Mothers" by Peter J. Gagné, whichdescribes much of the early setting as well as page 212 of the firstvolume for a discussion of both Marguerite Deshayes & her sister MarieDeshayes who came to New France two years before Marguerite. Thatsource indicates:
" Marguerite Deshayes was born about 1646 in the archdiocese of Rouen,Normandy, though her parents' names are unknown. She came to Canadain 1670 at about age 24, preceded to the colony two years earlier by heryounger sister Marie, also a Fille du Roi.