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Francoise Fafard was born ABT 1624 in St Jean Baptiste et St Patrice d'Argences, Bayeux, Normandie, France. She died 13 JAN 1702 in St Anne de Beaupre, Montmorency, Quebec, Canada. She was the daughter of Jean Fafard (c1590-1696) and Elisabeth Tibou (c1595-?).
Francoise Fafard's husband was Joseph Mathurin Meunier (c1619-1676). They were married 3 NOV 1647 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They had two known children named Elisabeth Isabelle /Meunier (1656->1714) and Marguerite Meunier (1659-1733).
She immigrated 1647. Fille a Marier
She was a Fille a Marier or "Marriageable Girl"
The migration of the Fafard family began with Francoise Fafard and hertwo stepbrothers; Bertrand and Francois. Francoise was born about1624 in St-Jean-Baptiste, Bayeux, Normandie, France; the daughter ofJean Fafard and Elisabeth Tibou. Her mother died when she was a babyand her father then married Antoinette Leverdier; the mother of Bertrandand Francois.
Francoise Fafard
Francoise Fafard arrived in the Quebec Colony as Filles A Marier;contracted to marry Joseph Meunier. He was born on April 22, 1619 inClermont-Creans, La Fleche, Le Mans, France. The wedding took placeon November 03, 1647 in Montreal and the couple had ten childrenbefore Joseph's death on October 08, 1676 at Chateau Richer. Francoisefollowed on January 13, 1701 at Sainte-Anne-De-Beaupre.
Barbe Meunier - Was born on November 24, 1648 and died a few dayslater on December 3 in Montreal.
Charles Meunier - Was born on December 03, 1649 and died just weekslater on December 21 in Montreal.
Mathurin-Joseph Meunier - Was born on December 03, 1649 and diedon February 27, 1650 in Montreal.
Jean-Baptiste Meunier - Was born on January 08, 1650 in Trois-Rivieresand died unknown. He married Marguerite Housseau and the couple hadseven children.
Francoise Meunier - Was born on September 13, 1653 at Chateau Richerand died on January 18, 1703 at St. Laurent, Isle D'Orleans, Quebec.She first married Charles Pouliot with whom she had seven children. Hedied on August 06, 1699 and Francoise then married Jean-Paul Maheu.
Elisabeth Meunier - Was born on February 17, 1656 in Ville De Quebecand died on April 10, 1714 at St. Laurent, Ile De Orleans, Quebec. Shemarried Isaac-Etienne Paquet and the couple had fourteen children.
Marie-Marguerite Meunier - Was born on February 17, 1656 in Montrealand died unknown.
Marguerite Meunier - Was born on August 17, 1659 and died on June18, 1733 in St-Francois, Ile d'Orleans, Quebec. She married PierreLabbe and the couple had a daughter Anne.
Mathurin Meunier - Was born on December 08, 1662 and died onFebruary 15, 1743 at Ville De Quebec.
Francois Meunier - Was born in 1664 and died unknown. He marriedAngelique Jacob and the couple had eight children.