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Stephen Bachiler was born 1561 in England. He died 1660 in Hackney, England.
Stephen Bachiler's wife was Ann Bate (<1632-?). They were married BEF 1592 in England. They had one known child named Nathaniel Bachiler (1590-1645).
He emmigated 9 MAR 1632.
He immigrated 3 JUN 1632 in Boston, MA.
Rev. Stephen Bachiler was born in 1561 in England. He emigrated onMAR 9 1632 from England.
*History of Hampton : "...came to this country, 1632; founded the town ofHampton in 1638, and built his first home here,..."
*Sanborn Genealogy : "On March 9, 1632, Bachiler sailed for NewEngland in the 'William and Francis', landing in Boston, June 3,1632" Heimmigrated on JUN 3 1632 to Boston, MA.(3734)
He emigrated about 1654.(3735) he returned to England
*History of Hampton : " After a residence of more than twenty years inAmerica, he returned to England, where he died at Hackney, in 1660, inthe one hundredth year of his age"
*Sanborn Genealogy : "...died at Hackney, a village and parish inMiddlesex 2 miles from London, "
*History of Hampton : "Rev. Stephen Bachiler was the progenitor of all theHampton families of his name, the first pastor of the church and ministerof the town. He was born in England in 1561; came to this country, 1632;founded the town of Hampton in 1638, and built his first home here,where Mr. Isaac Emery now lives. He had a second wife, named Helena.(It is thought that her last name was Mercer.) Mr. Bachiler had children,grown up and married long before he migrated to America. Of these, onlyone, Mrs. Hussey [Theodate], is known to have come to Hampton. Therecame also, grandsons, the Sanborns [John, William, and Stephen] andNathaniel Bachiler, or Batchelder, as he was accustomed to write hisname, and as it is now commonly written. Mr. Bachiler's wife, Helena died____, and he married, third, probably about 1648, Mary _____.
After a residence of more than twenty years in America, he returned toEngland, where he died at Hackney, in 1660, in the one hundredth yearof his age"
*History of Hampton : Vol. 1 - Apparently he named the town Hampton. "'Winnacunnet shalbee called Hampton.' As briefly it is stated in the townrecords, that this change was made 'at Mr Bachiler's request' "
*Sanborn Genealogy [p.64] : "June 7, 1639, Winnicunnet was made atown, and in the fall the name was changed to Hampton, at the request ofBachiler and in honor of the city of Southampton, then commonly calledHampton, with which the Bachiler family was associated. Stephen Bachilerwas thus the founder of Hampton, the third settlement in NewHampshire, and for years the principal town in that colony; he recieved agrant of 300 acres from the town, gave a bell for their church, and boundup his fortunes with the new settlement. In 1639 Ipswich promised him alarge grant if he would settle with them, but he refused."
*Sanborn Genealogy : "Just before this time, Bachiler's troubles increased;his wife died, and his house and library 'to the value of £200 ' wereburned. Dishartened, he sold his land in Hampton and moved toPortsmouth, where he became a private residence, though still preachingoccasionally. He hired a 'good neighbour' as his housekeeper, and in1648, at 88 years of age, he married her. The match proved mostdisastrous; in 1650 she was convicted of adultery with one Rogers, andsentenced to be publicly whipped and branded with the letter 'A'.Bachiler sued for divorce, but was met with the atrocious order that he'and his wife shall live together as man and wife, as in this Corte the haveprofessed to do; and if either desert the other the marshall shallapprehend both and bring them to Boston, to be kept until the nextCorte.' The only explanation for this order is the determination to makeimpossible Bachiler's remaining in the Massachusetts Colony; the attemptwas successful. about 1654, accompanied by his grandson and godson,Stephen Samborne, Bachiler left the New World.