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Oliver Cromwell was born ABT 1550 in Hinchenbrook, England. He died 28 AUG 1655 in England.
Oliver Cromwell's wife was Anne Hooftman. They were married 7 JUL 1601 in England. They had one known child named Giles Cromwell (c1603-1673).
Oliver CROMWELL (Sir Knight)
Born: ABT 1550 / 1562, Hinchenbrook, England
Died: 28 Aug 1655, England
Buried: Romsey, England
Notes: He was sheriff for county Hants. and Cambridge. Oliver wasknighted by Queen Elizabeth 1598. He was uncle and god-father tofamed Oliver, Lord Protector. Oliver was most popular and beloved. Hereceived vast wealth from his uncle Richard Warren, but dissipated themoney and sold his estates to pay his debts. Oliver was a knight of theBath. The King stayed many times at his home in 1603, 05, 16, 17 andpossibly many others on his way north to hunt. Oliver was created Knightof the Bath. He was a member of the House of Commons, Queen Anne'sattorney in 1604. Oliver sold Hunchenbrook. He was a subscriber towardVirginia.
He captured between three and four hundred Scottish prisoners, at thebattles of Dunbar and Worcester. These Cromwell transported to NewEngland to be sold as slaves. He had defeated the Royalists in Englandand beheaded the King in 1649. Then he proceeded to the conquest ofIreland.
Did he have a son Thomas, who was related to Giles, perhaps a brother?Debug. Giles objected to the will of Thomas. Rev. John Wheelwrightgraduated with Oliver and intimate friend returned to England whenOliver (another) was Protector on behalf of colonists then run to Gasburywhere he died
Father: Henry (Williams) CROMWELL (Sir Knight)
Mother: Joan WARREN
Married 1: Elizabeth BROMLEY (dau. of Thomas Bromley and ElizabethFortescue)
2. Thomas CROMWELL
3. John CROMWELL of Upwood
4. William CROMWELL
5. Elizabeth CROMWELL
6. Catherine CROMWELL
9. Oliver CROMWELL
Married 2: Anne HOOFTMAN (1565 - d. 28 Apr 1624, Hinchenbrook,England) (dau. of Egidius Hooftman) (w. of Sir Horatio Palavicino) 07 Jul1601
10. Giles CROMWELL
11. Anna CROMWELL (b. 1603 - d. 13 Apr 1663, Great Stoughton)