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Jean dit Tranchemontagne Garceau was born 1678. He died 1710 in Port Royal, NS. He was the son of Pierre Garsseault and Jacquett Soulard. His sibling was Pierre Garsseault.
Jean dit Tranchemontagne Garceau's wife was Jeanne Levron dit Nantais (1679-?). They were married 20 NOV 1703 in Annapolis Royal, Acadie. They had four known children named Pierre Jean Garceau (1704-?), Daniel Garceau (1707-1772), Joseph Garceau (1710-?), and Gregoire Garceau.
Jean Garceau left St. René in Poitou at the end of the seventeenth centuryas a soldier in the “Compagnie de Chacornacle”. Son of Pierre Garsseaultand of Jacquette Soulard, he was nicknamed Tranchemontagne as it wascustom for soldiers to be nicknamed in accordance with their physicalcharacteristics, character, origin or trade.
Jean was a soldier in the garrison of Port Royal . On November 20th1703 he wed Marie Levron, daughter of François Levron and CatherineLavoye who came from France on the ship “l'Oranger” in 1671. A yearlater she gave birth to her first boy whom relatives baptized Pierre-Jean.Their second child, born in 1707, received the first name of hisgodfather, Daniel Auger de Subercase, and Acadia's final governor.
Jean had two other sons prior to his death at thirty years old, Grégoire in1709 and Joseph in 1710. In 1710, possibly during combat with theBritish that marked the defeat and the surrender of Port Royal, JeanGarceau died. His widow, with four young children to feed, was marriedagain the following year to Alexandre Richard.