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Francois Gignac was born DEC 1669 in L'Ange-Gardien, Montmency, Quebec. He died 23 JUL 1737 in Cap-Sante, Canada. He was the son of Laurent Gignac dit Gignard (1636-?) and Elizabeth Souvin (1641-?).
Francois Gignac's wife was Marie Anne Duclos (1668-1709). They were married in Cap Sante, Portneuf, Quebec. They had one known child named Pierre Gignac (1693-?).
There is information in the book "Nos Ancetre 17" that describes FrancoisJugnac (Gignac) in detail. The book is in french. Another source hasLaurent Gignac dit Gignard christened in 1636 and married to ElizabethSouvin, christened 1641 at La Rochelle,Aunis, France. One of theirchildren was Francois Jugnac or Gignac born December 1669 at L'Ange-Gardien,Montmency 1 Quebec and married at Cap Sante, Portneuf,Quebec to Marie Anne Duclos, born 1668 Batiscan, Champlain, Quebec.They had a child Francois who married Marie Madelaine Petit on March4th, 1726.
The information I have is about Francois Jugnac who married AnneDuclos.
They had a child named Francois Gignac who married Madelaine Petit onMarch 4th, 1726 at Cap-Sante, Quebec, they had a child named FrancoisGignac who married Josette Frenette of Cap Sante and they had a childJoseph Gignac who married Marguerite Auger on August 27th,1804 inNeaville. Joseph was married a second time to Angelique Levasseur onSeptember 28th, 1813, Joseph married a third time to MargueriteHenault at L'Ile Perrot.
According to this book Jacques Leneuf was one of the most importantland owners of Portneuf Quebec having been promised the land of "laPorterie" and receiving the official title on April 16th,1647 even though itwas clear that he had been working the land for at least 7 or 8 yearsbefore. On July 7th, 1671 Jacques Leneuf sold land to his son in law ReneRobineau de Becancour. Robineau keeps 20 acres for himself andengages tenants for the rest of the land. One tenant Jean Catelan takeson two servants, one being a child of eight years old and the other beinga young man of 31 years old named Francois (Jugnac) Gignac.
Francois Jugnac marries Anne Duclos and they have 11 children together.Anne Duclos dies prematurely on January 31st,1709 at 40 years old.Francois is left with several young children at home. A year and a halflater he remarries to Anne Briere widow of Jean Chaille who brings 7other children to the union, together they have 5 more children. Jacquesthe oldest son from the union of Francois and Anne Duclos marries in1713 well before any of the other children. On January 11th,1724 thepioneer Francois Jugnac donates land to his son Francois as a reward forthe good service provided. Francois Jugnac dies on July 22nd,1737 atCap-Sante.
The children of Francois and Anne Duclos include: Jacques b.1689, Jean-Francois b.1690, Jean-Baptiste b.1692, Pierre b. 1693, Louis b. 1695,Marie-Francoise b.1697, Marie-Angelique b. 1698, Marguerite-Louiseb.1700, Francois b.1703, Marie-Joseph b.1705, Marie-Catherineb.1707. The children of Anne Briere and Francois Jugnac include: Antoineb.1711, Isabelle b.1713, Marie-Joseph b.1714, Marie-Therese b.1720,Marie-Angelique.
Dozens of Gignac families have resided on the ancestral land in Portneuf.In the middle of the last century the land was divided between Lazareand David Gignac. David passes on his share to Louis Gignac who passeson he land to his son Louis-Phillip Gignac who was single and continuedto reside on the land as of 1958 but did not cultivating it.
Francine Gignac