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Jeanne Rossignol was born 7 AUG 1650 in St. Pierre de Montfort, Chatres, France. She died 22 JAN 1712 in Neuville, Quebec, PQ.. She was the daughter of Martin Rossignol (1610-?) and Renee Desjardins (1611-?).
Jeanne Rossignol's husband was Charles Petit (1645-1673). They were married 1 SEP 1670 in Quebec. They had one known child named Nicholas Petit (1673-?).
A Fille du Roi
"King's Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi, 1663-1673"by Peter J. Gagne
"Jeanne Rossignol dit Grossonneau was born about 1652 in the parish ofSaint-Pierre in Montfort-l'Amaury (arrondissement of Rambouillet,dicoese of Chartres), Ile-de-France, the daughter of Martin Rossignol andRenee Desjardins. After her father's death, she left for Canada in 1670at about age 18, bringing goods worth an estimated 200 livres for herdowry.
On 01 September 1670, Jeanne married Charles Petit at Quebec City andwas
given the King's Gift of 50 Livres. Neither spouse could sign the marriagecontract drawn up 24 August by notary Becquet. Charles was born about1639 in the parish of Saint-Pierre in Anneville-sur-Seine (arrondissementand diocese of Rouen), Normandy, the son of Jean Petit and AnneMauger.
He and Jeanne settled at Neuville, but baptized son Jacques at QuebecCity 01 November 1672. Sadly Charles Petit died between 29 March and29 December
1673. Son Nicolas was born posthumously and baptized 04 January1674. One
month later, on 04 February 1674, Jeanne married Jean Forget atQuebec City.
Jean (or Jacques) was baptized 08 March 1642 in the parish of Saint-Michel in Poitiers, Poitou, the son of Mande Forget and Jeanne Dessery,who were married 13 November 1634 in Saint-Germain de Poitiers. Hecan be found in the 1667 census as the servant of Pierre Loignon on theIle d'Orleans and also as the servant of Denis-Joseph Ruette d'Auteuil atCap-Rouge.
Jean and Jeanne settled at Neuville, where their son Jean was born 31October 1675 (baptized 17 November, Quebec City).
Apparently, Jeanne did not get along with her neighbors very well. On 20June 1673, she brought a complaint before the Prevote de Quebecagainst Fille du Roi Suzanne Rousselin. However, after hearing the case,the court ordered Jeanne to keep out of others' business and warnedboth parties not to insult each other. That same day, Jacques Sabourinand his wife Mathurine Renault brought Jeanne before the same court forslander. The court decreed that unless Jeanne could prove that Jacqueswas a thief and fence and that his wife was a whore, she would have tomake a
"reparation of honor" (public apology) to the couple, which she did.
Jean Forget died at Neuville between 31 October 1675 and 07November 1676. On this date, notary Gilles Rageot drew up a marriagecontract between Jeanne and Urbain Fouquereau. The two wre married28 December 1676 at Neuville, though the act can be found in theregisters of Quebec City. Urbain was born about 1653 in Continvoir(arrondissement of Chinon, diocese of Angers), Anjou, the son of JeanFouquereau and Renee Bataille.
He and Jeanne lived at Neuville and had eight children together. Pierrewas baptized at Quebec City 10 August 1677, followed by Elisabeth-Ursule (23 August 1679, Neuville) and Michel (05 October 1681,Neuville). Sadly, Pierre died after the 1681 census. Andre was baptizedat Neuvill 20 December 1683, followed by Madeleine (11 July 1686),Guillaume (23 March 1690), Marie-Anne (03 July 1693) and Marie-Helene (15 February 1696).
Urbain Fouquereau was buried at Neuville 24 Febraury 1700. On 02September 1704, Jeanne married Francois Huard dit Laliberte atNeuville. Francois was born about 1654 in the parish of Saint-Denis inAmboise (arrondissement and archdiocese of Tours), Touraine, the son ofJerome Huard and Anne Duboist. He was previously (1684) married toJeanne Brunet, who gave him no children. Francois and Jeanne lived atNeuville, but did not have any children together. Jeanne Rossignol ditGrossonneau died 22 January 1712 at the Hotel-Dieu de Quebec.Francois Huard dit Laliberte died at the Hotel-Dieu de Quebec 24 August1722."