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Catharine Shapleigh was born 1600. She died 29 MAY 1676. She was the daughter of Alexander Shapleigh (c1574-<1650).
Catharine Shapleigh's husband was James Treworgye (?-1650). They were married 16 MAR 1616. They had one known child named Elizabeth Treworgye (1639-1719).
The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 50
By Henry Fritz-Gilbert Waters, New England Historic Genealogical Society
SHAPLEIGH AND TREWORGIE In the REGISTER July 1851 p 345 MrThornton gives the record of Alexander Shapleigh and his descendantsthis record in some cases is correct but the conclusions that Mr Thorntonarrives at are much in error for example in the foot note 3 referring toJames Treworgye he says Probably Mr Treworgye left no maledescendants else they would have claimed the estate in company with thedaughters but there was John Treworgy at Saco in 1728 Folsom's Sacoand Bid 207 231 5 71 Who was he In speaking of Alex Shapleigh liesupposes that he was born about 1600 He says Mr James Treworgye wasborn as early as 1614 probably earlier as in 1635 etc In the depositionof Mr Edward Johnson Mr Thornton corrects his testimony by substitutingthe name of James where that of John appears He also corrects thetestimony of Joan Atwell by substituting the name of James for John andalso the title of father in law for grandfather and at the end makes thefollowing statement James not John Treworgy was employed by AlexShapleigh The grandson John mentioned by the witness Atwell probablynever existed except to be confused with the father in the mind of thewitness In all these matters Mr Thornton as I have previously stated is inerror Mr John Treworgye did exist was the son of James Treworgye andCatherine Shapleigh and consequently was the grandson of AlexanderShapleigh It is also now well known that he went as supercargo for hisgrandfather previous to 1642 and was of sufficient age to represent himand to manage his affairs for he was born at Kingsweare on the DartRiver directly opposite Dartmouth in 1618 and was baptized in theChurch of St Thomas a Becket at that place the 30th Dec 1G18 so thatthe testimony of these witnesses was correct and not to be corrected TheWestern Antiquary or Note Book for Devon Cornwall and SomersetEngland No 10 March 1886 vol v contains a record of the Shapleighs ofDevonshire by WM Sargent AM in which also a number of errors occur buthe does not fall into that of Mr Thornton in ignoring John Treworgye thegrandson of Alex Shapleigh but takes Mr Thornton to task for changingthe testimony of the witnesses Mr Alex Shapleigh is put down as beingborn in 1585 and as from Totnes Devonshire Mr James Treworgye is saidto have died in Newfoundland some time before 1650 before he was 35years of age These two statements are somewhat upset by the followingfacts Mr James Treworgye and Catherine Shapleigh were married in theChurch at Kingsweare March 16 1610 so that Mr A Shapleigh must havebeen born a considerable number of years previous to 1585 and JamesTreworgye to have been much older than 35 when he died probably ashort time previous to 1650 From the same Church Registry I obtainedalso the following Nicholas son of Alex Shapleigh was bapd Jan 1 1617 or18 being at the close of the Registry for 1617 John son of JamesTreworgye bap1 30 Dec 1618 James Treworgye & Cath Shapleigh weremar1 16 March 1616 James 14th Jos Bereford & Elizh Shapley weremar1 ye 4th of July Anne Dom 1626 King Charles II In one of the numbersof your magazine I noticed in Notes anil Queries the question as towhether anyone could tell how Kittery Point Maine founded by theShapleighs and Treworgyes received its name Alex Shapleigh and hisfamily lived in that portion of Kingsweare called Kittery Point to this dayand which still contains the Manor House which was probably theresidence of that family and naturally when the family went to the newhome in New England the old name was perpetuated in that of the newtown There is not a trace of the name of Alexander Shapleigh in any ofthe old papers relating to the history or records of Totnes which is a veryold town about ten miles up the Dart River but there are many othermembers of the family some of whom were mayors of the same Althoughnot successful in my search at Totnes I was somewhat so in looking overthe records of Dartmouth where I found five references to Mr AlexanderShapleigh merchant of Kingsweare He is so spoken of in anacknowledgement of a contribution of money in 1620 In the same andfollowing year the following items appear In the ship Blessinge ofKingsweare from Lisbone for Alexander Shap ley merchant 1620 2 2 01620 In the Gift of God of Kingsweare f rom Lichbone Lisbon forAlexander Shapley merchant 0 1 9 1621 In the Gift of God of Dartmouthfrom Newfoundland for Alexander Shapley 0 2 1 1621 In the William &John of Dartmouth from the Newfoundland 20th Sept for the said MrAlexander Shapleigh merchant 0 1 3 1720 Chestnut Street PhiladelphiaPa CHARLES F HASELTENK