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Edward Gilman was born 1557 in Caston, England. He is the son of Edward Gilman (?-1573) and Rose Rysse (1529-1613).
Edward Gilman's wife is not known. They had six known children named Edward Gilman (1587-1681), Mary Gilman (?-1686), Sarah Gilman, Margaret Gilman, Bridget Gilman, and John Gilman.
He was baptized 20 APR 1557.
He resided 1600 in Hingham, England.
Edward 2 second son of Edward 1 and Rose Rysse Gilman was born inCaston. Rev Robert Peck of Hingham England led a party of one hundredand thirty three men women and children from England to America Theyembarked in the ship "Diligent" of Ipswich Captain John Martin which leftGravesend April 26 and arrived at Boston Massachusetts August 101638. Among those who composed the Pilgrim band were EdwardGilman with his wife, three sons, two daughters and three servants. Hesettled in Hingham where he was admitted freeman December 13 1638.In 1641 a tract of land eight miles square then called Seekonk nowRehoboth was granted to Edward Gilman and others by the PlymouthColony. In 1643 his estate was three hundred pounds. His name does notappear on the records of that town after 1646. In 1647 his nameappears in Ipswich and September 18, 1648 Edward Gilman Jr sold tohis father Edward Gilman the farm given him by his father in law RichardSmith. Edward Gilman and his sons removed to Exeter New Hampshireand there Edward died June 22 1681 He married in Hingham, EnglandJune 3, 1614 Mary Clark. Their children were Mary Edward Sarah LydiaJohn and Moses and from these sons the Gilmans of New Hampshire havedescended