Pieter Brueghel's "Wedding Dance". The "flemish" set I currently play is based on this image. | 
Another by Peter Breughel called "Wedding Feast" sort of a sequel to Wedding Dance I suppose. The single stock, double drone is basically the same. |

I apologize for the quality, we work with what we get. This is very similar to the "Night Dance" which is below. | 
I should have this in color soon thanks to Ernst Schmidt. Click the image for more info. |

Indoor Village Wedding, painted in 1556, is an image which I discovered on the window sill at the house of bagpipe maker Michael Mac Harg | 
Detail from a much larger piece which depicts dancers (of course) angels, God and the like. |
 This is a Brueghel called Kermis at Hoboken 1559 |  from Les Estampes De Peter Bruegel L'Ancien. Image circa 1642 |

Night Dance after Pieter Brueghel. | 
Definitely one of my favorites. Fat Kitchen by Pieter Brueghel. This one has all the regular subjects except this time the dog is actually making contact with the piper. |