The Dance of Death by Bernt Notke in the Church of St. Nicolas, Tallinn, Estonia. |  Totentanz in Pinzolo by Simone Baschenis, 1539 |
 Totentanz in church of St. Mary outside Beram, Croatia by Vincent de Kastav, 1474 |  La Danse Macabre en la Chaise-Dieu" 1460 |
 La Ferté Loupière (Yonne) |  Les Morts Musiciens 1486 |
 Münchner Blockbuch 1480... translation? |  Totentanz at St. Mary's Church Berlin, 1484 |

From Hans Holbein's collection "the Dance of Death" in 1536 this is the Idiot Fool | 
A Scottish Artist named David Deuchar, so intrigued by Holbein's work, created his own set. This is called Death and the Fool. |

Another copy of the Holbein work by Christian von Mechel, 1780 | 
The Dance of Death, artist unknown. This depicts the Bishop. Click the image for details on this series. |

The Dance of Death, artist unknown. This depicts the Lay Brother. Click the image for details on this series. | 
The Dance of Death, artist unknown. This depicts the Burgher Wife. Click the image for details on this series. |