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Ephraim Smith was born ABT 1698. He is the son of Ephraim Smith (1603-?) and Mary Ramsdell.
Ephraim Smith's wife was Hannah Rice (1714->1790). They were married 16 AUG 1733 in Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., MA. They had one known child named Moses Smith (1739-1815).
Ephraim SMITH (Ephraim, Robert,) was born in Boxford. He was a cabinetmaker and in 1725 was the only one in Boxford. He married his first wifein that town and had one daughter, Mary, who was baptized in theTopsfield church. He left Boxford and settled in Shrewsbury before 1732as his father's will, dated that year, called him "of Shrewsbury." On August16, 1733 he married his second wife Hannah, daughter of Daniel Rice ofShrewsbury. In 1745 land was laid out to Ephraim Smith "in the right ofthe 19th House Lot." His children, except Mary, were born in Shrewsbury.
Ephraim Smith by his first wife had:
i. MARY, bap. in Topsfield, June 8, 1729. She m. (1)---- Carryl, and hadtwo children, John and Ephraim, a physician, both living in Killingly,Connecticut, in 1786. She m. (2) Daniel Hemenway, August 1, 1770 andsettled in Barre .
Ephraim Smith and Hannah had:
ii. DANIEL b. about 1734. On January 19, 1758 he married Lucy,daughter of Captain Daniel Howe of Shrewsbury. His children were
1 Lewis, b. March 2 1758. In 1786 Hannah Smith (widow of EphraimSmith), Daniel Smith, Aaron Smith, and Asa Smith all of Shrewsbury, MosesSmith of Barre, William Smith of Oakham, Thomas and Elizabeth Johnsonof Templeton, Daniel and Mary Hemenway of Barre, John Carryl andEphraim Carryl, physician of Killingly, Conn., sell to Lewis Smith the land inShirley which Ephraim Smith bought of his brother Nathan Smith in 1755.(Middlesex Deeds Vol 118 p 376). Lewis Smith was a revolutionarypensioner
2 Ashur, b. 1759
3 Stehen, b. 1761; d. in New York 1842
4 Thaddeus, b. 1763; d. in Shrewsbury, 1822
5 Catherine, b. 1765; m. Stephen Johnson, 1793
6 Daniel, b. 1766
7 Mary, b. 1768; m. Alexander Miller, 1797
8 Lucy, b. 1770; m. Nathaniel Elethorpe of Bridgeport, Vt., 1795
9 Bridget, m. Abijah Shumway
10 William.
iii. Ephraim, b. June 22, 1736; died early
iv. Aaron, b. June 22, 1736; m. Dinah, daughter of Ephraim WheelerAugust 4, 1757; d. May 9, 1825; He was a selectman, 1793 See Ward'sShrewsbury
v. Moses, b. January 25, 1739; m Lydia daughter of Zachariah Smith April30 1760 moved to Templeton and afterward to Barre
vi. William, b. January 30, 1742; resided in Oakham
vii. Asa, b. October 5, 1744; m. Elizabeth, daughter of Ephraim Wheelerof Shrewsbury, July 3, 1764; (See Ward's "Shrewsbury")
viii. Elizabeth, b. February 17, 1748; m. September 24, 1771 ThomasJohnson and lived in Templeton.
Taken from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register
By Henry Fitz-Gilbert Waters, New England Historic Genealogical Society
1901 Volume LV. Page 270