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Ephraim Smith was born 29 OCT 1603 in Rowley, MA. He was the son of Robert Smith (?-1693) and Mary. His siblings were Thomas Smith (c1657-?), Mary Smith (1658-?), Phoebe Smith (1601-?), Samuel Smith (1666-?), Amye Smith (1668-?), Sarah Smith (1670-1673), Nathaniel Smith (1672-<1719).
Ephraim Smith's wife was Mary Ramsdell. They were married 6 SEP 1694 in Boxford, MA. They had one known child named Ephraim Smith (c1698-?).
Ephraim SMITH (Robert) was born in Boxford October 29, 1663. Whilestill a young man and unmarried he respond to the call of GovernorAndros and his Council and, with John Tyler and Jonathan Frost of Boxfordjoined the expedition against the French serving seventeen weeks. OnMarch 11, 1689-90 the town agreed to pay each of these three men sixshillings a week for his services. On September 6, 1694 he married Mary,the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Perkins) Ramsdell of Boxford. In1732, before he died, he deeded land in Boxford to his son Johnbecause John had lived with him dutifully for five years since coming ofage and had been very useful on the farm (Essex Deeds Vol 83 p. 216).ln his will dated the same year he left the house also to John. His childrenwere born in Boxford, formerly a part of Rowley.
Ephraim Smith and Mary had:
i. Mary, bap. September 1, 1695 m "Dempiter"
ii. Elizabeth, bap. April 11, 1697
iii. Hannah, bap. April 11, 1697 m in 1725 Israel Frlcker
iv. Priscilla bap. September 20, 1702
v. Hephziba bap. June 11, 1704
vl. John, bap. November 1700 inherited his father's property in 1732. Helived on Janes Road after his marriage to Hannah Peabody in 1738. Hehad six children one of whom, John, settled on the St. James River, NewBrunswick
vii. Sarah, bap. 1708.
viii. Ephraim, settled in Shrewsbury.
ix. Nathan settled in Shirley
x. Abijah 8
xi. Lydia, m. Jonathan Gould, pub. May 3, 1730; they lived In the part ofGroton now Shirley as early as 1747. She died September 28, 1758
From "The New England Historical and Genealogical Register"
By Henry Fitz-Gilbert Waters, New England Historic Genealogical Society
1901 Vol. LV Page 271