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Thomas Chenoweth was born 1720 in Pennsylvania or New Jersey. He died 1787 in in on the North Branch of the Potomac, Washington Co., MD. Died between 1778 - 1787 in on the North Branch of the Potomac,Washington Co., MD during the American Revolution
He was the son of John Chenoweth (c1682-1746) and Mary Calvert (1687-<1737). His siblings were Richard Chenoweth (1701-1781), John Chenoweth (1706-1771), Mary Chenoweth (1708->1746), Hannah Chenoweth (1713-1764), Arthur Chenoweth (1716-1802), William Chenoweth (1718-<1785), Ruth Chenoweth (1722-c1760).
Thomas Chenoweth's wife was Mary Prickett (1723->1790). They were married 11 NOV 1742. They had 12 known children named Martha Chenoweth (1744-?), Sarah Chenoweth (1747-1814), Mary Chenoweth (1749-?), John Chenoweth (1751-1820), Thomas Chenoweth (1753-1814), Arthur Chenoweth (1755-1821), Richard Chenoweth (1758-1847), William B Chenoweth (1760-c1830), Elijah Chenoweth (1762-1828), Ann Chenoweth (1765-?), Hannah Chenoweth (1767-?), and Abraham Chenoweth (1770-1845).
THOMAS(2) 1720-178?
Thomas was the fifth and youngest son, seventh child, born about 1720,probably in Pennsylvania or New Jersey before the family came toMaryland. About 22 years old, Thomas married probably in FrederickCo., VA, Mary Prickett (or Pickett). Her father was John Pricket and herbrother, Abraham, would end up living next door to Thomas and Mary onBack Creek. Thomas and Mary had the largest family of any of thechildren of John and Mary Calvert Chenoweth, a total of 12 in all. Thechildren were all probably born in Virginia, though it may be the lastcouple were born in Maryland as the family moved to Old Town.
Unlike the other 3rd generation children, The children of Thomas areknown by a bible page rather than will. No will for Thomas has beenuncovered. This bible page was included in a pension application forRevolutionary War service submitted by Cassandra Foster Chenoweth,widow of Thomas, Jr. Because this is a bible record, some of thedaughters, of whom nothing is known, may have died young. As the other3rd generation children are known basically by will, the names of anychildren of the other sons who did not survive their father's death arelargely unknown. The genealogy of this, the youngest male line is fairlywell developed in spite of the fact that, like their father, most of the sonsof Thomas did not leave wills. Wills for only the two youngest sons, Elijahand Abraham are known.
Thomas, like his brothers, John and William, appears to have moved toFrederick Co., VA before the death of their father in 1746. Thomas, awitness to this will, was named co-executor of his father's will, along withhis brother-in-law, James Carter. On April 13, 1751 Thomas purchased276 acres on north side of Back Creek in Frederick Co. The record stateshe was already living on this property at the time. He was a neighbor ofJames Breed, Abraham Sutton, who would marry his niece, and AbrahamPricket, his brother in-law. This area of Back Creek is believed to be nearGlengary in lands that would later become Berkeley Co., WV. In 1755 Heis recorded as voting in a Burgess election. The Lord Fairfax grant for theproperty that Thomas lived on was finally issued on July 7, 1761. On Nov2, 1762 he sold this property to Benjamin Haines. As no will for Thomasis found in Virginia like those found for his brothers, questions surroundhis later life. It is likely he left the Frederick Co., VA area in the 1760s.The family is known to have lived for a number of years near Old Town,located in present day Allegany Co., MD, but then in part of WashingtonCo. Harris states that Thomas died in Maryland about 1787, if so thiswas probably in this area of Allegeny Co., before his children started theirmove to Kentucky. This is corroborated by the writings of his grandson,Thomas Scott, who states that his grandfather Chenoweth died when hewas a young boy on the North Branch of the Potomac River. As ThomasScott was born in 1772 it would seem that the date was probably beforethe 1787 Harris gives. We do know that Thomas gave an oath of fidelitytaken in Montgomery Co. in 1788. Thomas Scott also tells us that Mary,his grandmother died in Mason Co., KY after migrating there just before1790.
It is now believe that most of the older children married in Allegany Co.,MD which is to the north and slightly west of the land Thomas owned onBack Creek. The sons enlisted in the Revolution from this area. A Thomasin Kanawha Co., WV owned property in 1786. A Mary Chenoweth andWilliam Chenoweth witnessed a marriage of the daughter Hannah inBourbon Co., KY in 1789. The latter was Hannah's brother, the former isthought by some to be Mary, the wife of Thomas, but may be William'swife Mary, as William's wife is believed to have also been a Mary.
What is known of the families of Thomas is that they moved much as agroup to Mason Co., KY and then into the Scioto valley of Ohio aroundpresent day Pike Co., all but William who appears to have remained inKentucky. In the present make-up of the Chenoweth family, the lines ofThomas and Mary are the second largest known. [Harris text]
The DAR lists Thomas for service in the Revolutionary War based on hisoath of loyality in 1778 in Montgomery Co., MD.
CENSUS: 1764 Rent Roll, VA: Frederick Co.
LOCATIONS: Baltimore Co., MD, Frederick Co., VA, Allegeny Co., MD,possibly Mason Co., KY
BOOKS: Harris page 399, Hiatt page 94.
OTHER SOURCES: research of Peter Chenoweth of Georgia, John ArthurMcCall, Rosella Vohs, and Gregory George Wulker, The Prickett Fence,Biographical writtings of Thomas Scott, dated Oct 31, 1851
From "HISTORY, The CHENOWETH FAMILY Address of Captain IDilliam ti.Cobb 8th Reunion of the Family held near Elkins on the First Saturday inSeptember 1922"
In Frederick Co., Va., on April 11, 1746, John Chino-
weth, blacksmith, made his will, probated May 6, 1746.
Witnesses were Joseph Stanley, Mary Stanley and William
Jolliffe. He mentions wife (not by- name,) children John
(eldest,) Richard, Arthur, William, Thomas, Mary Watson,
Hannah Carter, and Ruth Petitt ; grandson John Watson,
Jr.; son-in-law John Petit. Son Thomas Chinoweth and
James Carter were appointed executors.
SAR Website Patriot Lookup
SAR Patriot Index Edition III (CD: PP2210, Progeny Publ., 2002) plus datato 2004