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Mary Calvert was born 19 DEC 1687 in Pennsylvania?. She died BEF 1737 in Maryland. She was the daughter of John Calvert and Judith? Stamper.
Mary Calvert's husband was John Chenoweth (c1682-1746). They were married ABT 1703. They had 8 known children named Richard Chenoweth (1701-1781), John Chenoweth (1706-1771), Mary Chenoweth (1708->1746), Hannah Chenoweth (1713-1764), Arthur Chenoweth (1716-1802), William Chenoweth (1718-<1785), Thomas Chenoweth (1720-1787), and Ruth Chenoweth (1722-c1760).
Early family accounts by Alexander Crawford Chenoweth and Cora Hiattgive Mary as a daughter of Charles, the Third Lord of Baltimore. None ofthe known Calvert family history supports this tradition. Cora gave hermother as Mary Banks, the third of four wives of Charles Calvert, but thisMary was married to Charles only about 5 years before the traditionaldate of marriage of Mary Calvert to John Chenoweth in 1705. Involved inthis tradition and controversy are the mythical vast holdings of theChenoweths in Maryland, which evolved into a legal battle in the earlypart of teh 20th century. Where Mary's name came from itself is amystery. A wife is mentioned in John's will, though not specifically byname. It is almost certaing that this wife was the widow, Mrs Jane Wood,whom John married in Baltimore County in 1736. Cora Hiatt stated Mary'sname is found in two diaries belonging to the families of John's sons,Arthur and Thomas, and an entry in a Bible which came from the family ofJohn's eldest son John. No existing copies of these have been found. Theearliest mention of Mary Calvert's name that I can find is 1894 inAlexander Crawford Chenoweth's genealogy study of the Chenoweths andCromwells. The modern theory is given best by J. Richard Buckey in "TheHistory of the Calverts Who Were Quakers". Here Buckey traces Marythrough John Calvert and Judith Stamper who settled in Pennsylvania backto Leonard Calvert, the father of the First Lord of Baltimore, George.
Buckey's theory has the merit of having "time and location" agreement. Inthe early part of his life in America, John Chenoweth is found in thePhiladelphia area, reasonably close to where Mary's parents settled.Families of these Calverts later relocated to the Frederick County area ofVirginia as did John Chenoweth and three of his sons. Family tradition hasit that William Chenoweth, the first born grandson, married Ruth Calvert,the daughter of Isaac Calvert, then of Frederick County. This Isaac, was anephew of the Mary Calvert that Buckey has found. Like Mary, no writtendocumentation has been found proving the family tradition at William'swife was indeed Ruth Calvert. William, Jr. did however name one of hissons, Isaac Calvert Chenoweth.
The origins of Mary will probably never be resolved to anyone'ssatisfaction, but the claimed relationship to the Lords of Baltimore issurely impossible. Additional information: December 2006 Newsletter -Mary Calvert and John Chenoweth, by Greg Wulker and articles by Harrisand Eberle & Henley