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Sarah Moody Bragg was born 1 APR 1821 in Thetford Center, Orange, Vt. She died 29 JUL 1887 in Montpelier, Washington, Vt. She was the daughter of William Bragg (1781-?) and Abigail Moody (1778-1856). Her siblings were Timothy Spear Bragg (1808-1838), Nancy G. Bragg (1813-1866), Eliza Bragg (c1815-?).
Sarah Moody Bragg's husband was John S Ladd (c1817-1875). They were married 24 SEP 1843 in Thetford, Orange, Vermont. They had 7 known children named Melvina (Mercy) Ladd (1844-?), Sarah Chestina Ladd (1846-1913), Emeline Coraline Ladd (1848-1915), John Franklin Ladd (1850-1917), Walter William Ladd (1857-1910), Adda Abigail Ladd (1859-?), and Lafayette R. Ladd (1860-?).
She was buried JUL 1887 in Waterbury Center Cemetery.
She resided 1880 in Montpelier, Vt. The full address was .
She resided JUL 1860 in Waterbury. The full address was . 1860 US Census Waterbury, Washington, Vermont July 1860
John Ladd ae 43 Farmer
Sarah Ladd ae 41
Melvina ae 16
Sarah G ae 14
Emeline ae 12
John F ae 9
William W. ae 3
Ida A. ae 6.5
She resided NOV 1850 in Bolton, Vermont. The full address was . 1850 US Census Bolton, Chittenden, Vermont November 1860
John Ladd ae 33 Farmer
Sarah Ladd ae 31
Florella Ladd 8
LADD Family of Cotton Brook, Waterbury
johnnevius (View posts) Posted: 31 Mar 2001 8:00AM
Classification: Query
Surnames: LADD
Have a book on old farms in Waterbury Dam area of Waterbury,Washington Co., VT.I have been to the farmsite during deer season, this is one of the farms purchasedin 1839 by John Shaw Ladd and his wife Sarah M., another adjoining farm wasowned also, but sold in 1857 to Henry D. Hutchins. The original Ladd farm wassubs. run by their son Franklin[John F.]Ladd and his wife,Eliza Cheney Ladd. Theymoved to Stowe in 1899.
In the late 1700s, pioneers cleared fields and roads of rocks and stumps from thetracts now called Ricker Basin and Cotton Brook. At one time, a large settlement of50 or so families lived in this area. The hard demands of the land and weatherforced younger generations to abandon the farms. Today, old cemeteries, asawmill, old town roads, bridges, and many cellar holes can still be found asevidence of a past community.
On November 3 and 4, 1927 torrential rains and Little River's rising waters droveresidents to their roofs. A second flood in 1934 spurred the construction ofWaterbury Dam. Between 1935 and 1938 the Civilian Conservation Corps incooperation with the Corps of Engineers constructed Waterbury Reservoir.Interestingly, the CCC camp was a fully operating, thriving community with more than80 buildings, housing 2,000 men at its peak. Yet today, half a century later, only afew solitary chimneys and concrete foundations remain. In 1962, the Vermont ParkService began development of Little River State Park.
1880 US Census:
Name: Sarah M. Ladd
Home in 1880: Montpelier, Washington, Vermont
Age: 59
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1821
Birthplace: Vermont
Relation to Head of Household: Something other than a direct relationship (Other)
Father's birthplace: New Hampshire
Mother's birthplace: Massachusetts
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Servant
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Gender: Female
Household Members:
Name Age
Charles M. Hule 47
Mary Hule 47
Emma Hule 12
Sella Hule 8
George W. Atkins 20
Sarah M. Ladd 59
On Sarah's Certificate listing in Middlesex she married John 'M' Ladd. Herresidence is listed as Strafford.
Another Sarah Bragg from Thetford marries an Elisha (Riddot?) inThetford on January or July 10, 1848
Died of "Brighets" Disease? "Briglits", Brigbets"?