Personal Pedigree  

Abigail Moody

Family Information

Abigail Moody was born 30 NOV 1778 in Salisbury, MA. She died 6 JAN 1856 in Sawnee Bean Rd. Cemetery, Thetford, Vt. She was the daughter of William Moody (1751-1844) and Eunice Jackman (1754-1840).

Abigail Moody's husband was William Bragg (1781-?). They were married 1804 in Salisbury, MA. They had four known children named Timothy Spear Bragg (1808-1838), Nancy G. Bragg (1813-1866), Eliza Bragg (c1815-?), and Sarah Moody Bragg (1821-1887).


The Death Record at Middlesex seems to be just a simple transcript
of this Tombstone. Must be there were no records. In 1910 this wasentered into the public record.


  1. garceau.ged

Multimedia Links

  1. Picture: Tombstone of Abigail Moody Bragg