Personal | Pedigree | |
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Warren Cheney Ladd was born 3 FEB 1894 in Waterbury Center, VT. He died DEC 1947 in Detroit, MI. He was the son of John Franklin Ladd (1850-1917) and Eliza Cheney (1855-1929). His siblings were Lizzie Marie Ladd (1875-?), Cora M. Ladd (1877-?), Frank S. Ladd (1878-1955), Rose L. Ladd (1880-?), Lillian G. Ladd (1883-?), H. Lafayette Ladd (1885-?), Roy Merton Ladd (1892-?), Gertrude E. Ladd (1896-?), Merle Joyce Ladd (1901-?).
Warren Cheney Ladd was buried DEC 1947 in Windsor, Ont, Qc.
Craig Ladd ( from VenturaCalifornia ):
Warren Cheney Ladd was born on Oscar May farm, Waterbury Center,Vermont on Feb. 3, 1894. He apparently went through school entirely inStowe Village, Vermont. He served in the US Army Cavalry in US/Mexicancampaign and in France in WW I. Warren suffered from a poison gasattack in France. Warren attended MIT briefly to study electricalengineering and also worked with Mark Shaw Ladd briefly as a stockbroker in early 1920's. He was married and divorced before 1924. Hissecond marriage was to Mae Ursula Deslippe in November 1924 inWindsor, Ontario and took up residence in Lakewood, Ohio.
From 1924 t0 1929, Warren worked for ADT (American DistrictTelegraph) and by 1929 was District manager for Cleveland, Erie, andPittsburgh. In late 1929 he and two associates from ADT formed anindependent bank security alarm business, which failed shortly afterstock market crash and ensuing bank failures. After moving back withMae's parents in Windsor, Ontario in early 1930 for a few months, Warrenand Conrad (my father) hitchhiked to Waterbury, VT in the summer of1930. He was employed at the Waterbury Mental Hospital, where Maesoon after joined him as a nurse aid. Conrad & Richard (younger brother)spent that winter in foster homes in Waterbury.
In 1931, the family moved to Duxbury, VT to a farm and there Conradentered first grade in one room schoolhouse. Early 1934 the familymoved to a farm in Waterburt Center, where Warren established a dairy &chicken retail business. In fall of 1935, Mae with children Richard, Don &Barbara (youngest) moved back to Windsor, Ontario. In summer of 1937Warren & Conrad moved to Worcestor, MA for 6 months and then toBridgeport, Conn for 6 months. In summer of 1938, the entire familyreunited and took up residence in Wyoming Park, MI. In 1939 or 1940,Warren started a manufacturing rep business which became the WC LaddCombustion Engineers. Warren became a combustion engineer mainlythrough extensive reading and library study. About 1944, Warren waselected National Secretary of the National Association of Power Engineers.In 1946, Warren was an unsuccessful candidate for mayor of GrandRapids, MI. He passed away from heart failure in a hotel in Detroit, MI ona business trip in December 1947. Warren is buried in Windsor, Ontariowith the other Deslippes.
Conrad & Mae had 4 children: Conrad Mervyn ( living ), Ricahrd who wereborn in Lakewood, Ohio, Donald b. in Duxbury, VT at home, Barbara(living) born Barre, VT hospital, all now resided in Waterbury Center, VT.