Personal Pedigree  

Emily Almeda Wait

Family Information

Emily Almeda Wait was born 30 DEC 1832 in Clarenceville, QC Canada. She died 19 AUG 1903 in Cedarville, QC Canada. She was the daughter of Enoch Wait (1807-1869) and Margaret Patterson (1808-1843).

Emily Almeda Wait's husband was James Owen Bullock (1828-1908). They were married 20 JAN 1851 in Clarenceville, QC Canada. They had 9 known children named Warren Benjamin Bullock (1856-1948), Margaret Alice Bullock (1852-1916), Euretta Bullock (1854-1926), Alvah Enoch Bullock (1858-1943), Effie Phoebe Bullock (1863-1936), Carrie Ella Bullock (1872-1902), Mary "Leafie" Bullock (1879-1960), Gladys Lillian Bullock (1881-1959), and Albert George Bullock (1866-1950).

Events and Attributes

She was buried in Marlington, QC Canada.